What is different in church after July 19th?
With the general lifting of restrictions in England that happened on Monday, this has implications for what happens in places of worship. Following advice nationally from the Church of England, and after running things past the Parochial Church Council, this is what will happen from Sunday:
- Masks in church are no longer mandatory unless someone is exempt, but if you have been wearing one in church since July last week, please consider continuing to do so, and sanitise your hands on entering the church
- Rota again for welcomers, readers and intercessors from August 1st
- Service papers will be by the door for you to pick up on arrival rather than being put on the seats, and you can sit where you wish. With the service papers there will be sheets that say ‘Please leave this seat free. Thank you’ and if you would prefer that someone does not sit next to you in the service, just take one, and put it on the seat next to you.
- The welcomer will take the collection again, but in one of the wooden collecting bowls rather than a bag. Please avoid taking if from them if you can, but if you do, you might wish to sanitise your hands.
- The sign of peace to be as present: a cheery wave or smile rather than a handshake!
- Communion still just to be given in the form only of consecrated bread, and not wine
- The priest will still wear a face covering to administer communion and will sanitise their hands as at present
- We will continue to use a separate door as an exit
- We will sing again! Music will continue to be via my phone at present so please join in with the various choirs which will be leading the singing
- I want to be cautious about refreshments over the summer with a hope to restart in September in time for harvest festival at the end of that month.
If any of this is unclear or you are in any way concerned about how church services will be now, do not hesitate to contact Fr. Peter revpetervannozzi@gmail.com
Classical Indian dance classes
Monday evenings in the church Hall, classical Indian dance class

Learn Kathak nritya from the torch bearer of the Jaipur gharana- Shrimati Priya Pawar.
Classes from Beginners to Advanced level for anyone and everyone over the age of 8 years, are held in person, observing safe distancing.
For further information please contact Priya Pawar 0208 568 0916/ WhatsApp +447493124016